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a D&D 5e Campaign, level 1 to 20


Episode 1: Mountcold Valley

a D&D 5e adventure level 1 to 3

As the adventurers make their way to the beautiful city of Hastam, they are forced to spend the night in the Mountcold valley, as snow has blocked the mountain passes. This valley is home to a small village nestled under a ruined castle. For centuries, the locals have feared it. At night, cattle and kids disappear and all of those who have attempted to explore it have never returned


Episode 2 : Shadow City

a D&D 5e adventure level 3 to 5


In the last episode, adventurers have tumble upon a ghost from their past. Forcing to relieve the brutal death of one's parents. They're now moving in the direction of an hidden Drow city. The snowy path go through the wild mountains, where dwell giants. There, they will find city doors imbued in darkness, unaware that the Drow have dug too deep. Concealed in the shadows, a thread awaits. One that will shake the fate of the old kingdoms born from the fall of Nicey.



Coming soon

Episode 3 : Hastam conspiracy

a D&D 5e adventure level 5 to 6

Every year, the Duchy of Hastam hosts the court of Farolance.

The road is now open, and with it, comes the joy of the festival. The city is buzzing with excitement at this time of the year, making it difficult to follow the lead the adventurers have found in the Drow city. Beneath this festive atmosphere, while the adventurers will investigate, participate in the festivity and battle for honor and glory, a century-old peace is about to tumble. On the continent, old allies are preparing their pawns. A war looms now in the distance. Soon, armies will march to try and claim the fallen crown of Nicey.

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